Borders Edge Music special Vol. 2 for a good cause, 8th May .. see details belowBorders Edge Music special Vol. 2 for a good cause, 8th May .. see details below

With nearly a 1000 sq km of forest and cities burning, The Borders Edge Special episode# 2 on Modul303 starting this Sunday May 8th will be called Orange Sky you can listen on this Sunday May 15st, 6am-7am and then again 2pm to 3pm CET (midnight to 1am ET/US then again at 8pm ET/US) and again Monday 20-21h CET (2pm-3pm ET/US) and Wednesday May 18 midnight to 1am CET (Tuesday 6pm-7pm ET/US).
A special compilation album has been produced and all proceeds will go to the special Red Cross (Alberta Fires Emergency Appeal) fund. The Canadian Federal Government will match the funds of the donations made to Red Cross. Music donated by Kuutana, Sequential Dreams, Midnight Airship with theme of Fire, Water, and Hope.
DONATE for the album here and download


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