Album Week 52 by Johan Tronestam „Best of Johan Tronestam 2010​-​2013“Album Week 52 by Johan Tronestam „Best of Johan Tronestam 2010​-​2013“

Modul303 proudy presents album week 52 by Johan Tronestam

This album has material from releases during the period 2010-2013. The material comes from Planet X, Stories from the dawn, Far away, Roots and legends from the north and Impressions. Most of the tracks have been mastered again for this album, the tracks have got a lift from the original with more dynamism and a few changes on some.
released December 17, 2015

visit Johan on his bandcamp site here and on

Broadcast times next week: 21.12. 07-08, 18-19, 22.12. 10-11, 24.12. 18-19. 26.12. 07-08 and 18-19 o’clock (CET)

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