Album der Woche 01 Wiesenberg „Neverending“Album der Woche 01 Wiesenberg „Neverending“

Out now!: The debut-CD of WiesenBerg aka Jens-H. Kruhl! „Neverending“ is a picture-music-collaboration with Fred Fahrenberg. EM a la Ambient, ProgElectro and more. 8 instrumental tracks for Fred Fahrenbergs painting + 1 bonustrack feat. Kathrin Manz aka Matzumi on vocals – thank you, Kathrin!
In addition you’ll get a very nice booklet, 12 pages with the single motives of Fred Fahrenbergs painting, another picture together with a poem („Ylva“), thought-provoking words and information.
You can order the CD here:
Cost: 10,- EUR incl. delivery charges.
Sendezeiten: 28.12. 07-08, 18-19, 29.12. 00-01, 10-11, 31.12. 18-19, 2.1. 17-18 UHR (CET)


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